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The students look forward to long already the day finally comes. Our school organized eight grades go to Dragon Lake Park in orienteering, students are very happy, excited. Sure thing. So am I.
Sitting in the car we watching the beautiful scenery out of the window, anxiously waiting for, still have a look from time to time table. Finally, an hour later, the car stopped at Dragon Lake Park in front of the gate. We quickly run off, shouting, jumping, just like a happy bird.
When the teacher say " start", our team ran to designated locations. Along the way, we walked many way, finally arrived at the first place. Activities of the organization 's uncle let us find the three point mark, so we quickly split up to see the ground, have a look, stone, but there is No. After a while, just listen to a student shouted: " found, found! " He found that the stool under a dot, this allows us to establish the confidence. And for a moment, discover there is a sign on the wall, but we couldn't find the third point mark, as we worry about, a classmate and found the stairs have a dot, we are extremely happy, quickly went to the uncle.
Then, uncle let us play a game, uncle let us two team relative of station, only give us a brick in the space, let our teams finally turn the stations. We have math best students to solve this problem, through her rack one's brains to think, try again and again, again and again, finally let us two turn station. The way we go through untold hardships, and finally reached the end.
Although we do not have received awards, but we are still very happy, this is really an unforgettable experience!
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