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资本项目;自由兑换;汇兑限制 ;资本管制
As China's economy continued to enhance the strength and growing foreign trade volume, China has become the world's third largest import market and the largest import market in Asia, the RMB's free convertibility of much international attention has become a problem, the Chinese a number of important trade partner Asked China to take a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism, an early realization of free convertibility of the RMB to China and international economic exchanges and cooperation more convenient. RMB's free convertibility of capital projects, including convertible and convertible under the capital account, in December 1996, China introduced current account convertibility under the now free convertibility of the renminbi becomes a question of how to realize RMB convertibility of capital projects. Renminbi capital account convertibility to achieve an objective requirement to meet many, ultimately depends on China's economic development level, economic status, the international balance of payments and other complementary reform measures must be steady progress, and China's current economic strength and social conditions are not yet able to To fully meet the requirements of free convertibility of the currency, the renminbi capital projects and opening up also by many conditions. In the economic globalization, financial markets, trade and investment globalization and rapid development of background on how to steadily promote free convertibility of the RMB capital projects of great theoretical and practical significance.
Capital projects; freely convertible exchange restrictions on capital controls
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