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Railway "TRIPLE" refers to rail, Frog and the splint broken. "TRIPLE" threat to traffic safety and endanger people's lives and property safety, the safety of rail transport of enemy prevent the "TRIPLE" railway safety, one of the priorities, particularly in the northern winter is the focus of security. Therefore must carefully analyze the "TRIPLE" the causes and take active measures to control and ensure traffic safety. And any other engineering structure, train load resistance with the orbital interaction between the decision to track the extent of damage and life. According to the current international row commonly used in the elastic foundation beam orbit strength theory, affected by the track structure of the factors for the main load, sleepers, ballast and rail four aspects. Annually in October to the end of February next year, Works rail equipment, splints, Frog most vulnerable to fracture the crucial period. In response to this problem, Public Works grasp of the equipment should change with the seasons start the inherent law. conscientiously sum up the defense continually achieve security, a comprehensive grasp break prevention measures are implemented, Anti-breaking advance do all the preparatory work to ensure the smooth flow of the great arteries.
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