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勿庸质疑,21世纪国际竞争的真正主体应该是大城市圈、大城市群.机遇在呼唤,我们不能再等待.目前,京津唐环渤海湾经济带、长三角经济带和珠三角经济带已经形成中国三大大都市群.而此也正是目前中国机器视觉市场赖以生存与发展的沃土,更是MV China着力影响与覆盖的重要区域.
Do not be questioned,the international competition in the 21st century is really the main city circle of large urban agglomerations.Calling the opportunity,we can not wait any longer.Currently,the Beijing-Tianjin - Tangshan economic belt around Bohai Bay,the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta economic zone with China's three major metropolitan group has been formed.And this is precisely what China's survival and development of machine vision market in the soil MV China is a major focus of regional coverage and impact.