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“不孝有三,无后为大”是孟子在评价舜结婚的事情时说的,完整的原话是:“不孝有三,无后为大,舜不告而娶,为无后也,君子以为犹告也”.从原文里能看出,这里的“无后”,并不是指没有后代,是没有尽到后辈的责任的意思.翻译成现代的话,意思是“不孝有三种,以不守后代之责为大.舜没有告知父母就结婚了,这就是无后,但君子以为,和告知了差不多(因为舜出家在外,而且是尧要把女儿嫁给他).”也就是说,孟子的原话里,并没含有不生孩子就是不孝的含义.  那么为什么后代人把“不孝有三,无后为大”这句话曲解为现在的意思呢?“不孝有三”的另外两个是什么呢?这就要看汉代人赵歧所做的《十三经注》.他在注释孟子上面的话时,说:“于礼有不孝者三者,谓阿意曲从,陷亲不义,一不孝也;家贫亲老,不为禄仕,二不孝也;不娶无子,绝先祖祀,三不孝也.”这里他把无后解释为了“不娶无子”,从此开始了两千多年的误解.但有意思的是,他认为第一不孝,是“阿意曲从,陷亲不义”,意思是第一不孝,是对父母无条件地屈从,容忍他们做不义之事.  这就很值得我们回味了.很多同志说,为了父母去结婚.如果为了父母去欺骗一位异性而结婚,当然也就是“陷亲不义”了,无后问题没解决,反而犯了第一不孝.  实际上,这些古话在21世纪仍然被人们遵循,本身就是很悲剧的事情.传宗接代,是把儿女当作生孩子的机器,当作财产.父母把生儿育女当作投资,这本身就是值得反抗的.
"There are three unfilial acts; bearing no descendant is by far the largest" is both mencius in the evaluation of his marriage that, and complete exact words are : "there are three unfilial acts; bearing no descendant is by far the largest, shun to marry, and that is, and on". from the original wenli can see here, "after" does not mean no. is there to new generations of responsibility. to translate into a modern, "there are three unfilial acts; bearing, to keep after the generation of great. should not tell my parents got married, this is no,But the thought, and informed about ( for shun became a monk and was out of yao to his daughter to him. "that is, for example, mencius ) the exact words, does not contain not a child is unworthy of our descendant. then why does the" there are three unfilial acts; bearing no descendant is by far the largest in this sense it mean? "there are three unfilial acts; bearing" the other two are? the han people do see 赵歧 the 十三经 of.In his comments on mencius, "said : to have unworthy of the project is 阿意曲 from, and injustice, an unnatural ; 家贫 and old, and for prosperity, and future generations will also ; 't marry without fathers, and praying, unnatural." here he had no explanation for "after marrying no", and that was the beginning of more than two thousand years of misunderstanding. but it is interesting, he thought, "the unworthy 阿意曲 from, and the", the first to future generations is the unconditional surrender,
后面从:容忍他们做不义之事. ——这本身就是值得反抗的.没翻译,我也无能为力,对不起
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