早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 所有机组成员必须服从机长的指挥
2 没有得到机场指令前,所有飞机禁止起飞和降落
3 我天天开车从你家门前经过
4 我今天刚好路过这里 / 路过上海 ,顺便来看看你
5 我在附近办事,顺便来看看你
6 我在你家楼下等你,到了后 打你手机让铃声 响3声,你不要接听 直接下楼
7 我必须服从他的命令,因为他是我的上司
1 、All crew members must obey the captain's command
2、 All aircraft ban from take-off and landing before you don't get the airport instruction,
3 、I drive past your house every day
4、 I was just passing by here/pass by Shanghai,drop by and see you today
5、 I near handle affairs,drop by and see you
6、 I am waiting for you downstairs in your house,After arrival ,phone me to the bell rang 3 sound,you don't answer directly to go downstairs
7、 I must obey his commands,because he is my boss
看了 英语翻译1所有机组成员必须服...的网友还看了以下: