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1. 过去,我的家乡是一个贫穷的小镇,道路又窄又脏,到处都是垃圾。人们住在又旧又小的平房里,出行只能靠步行或自行车。

2. 然而,在过去的三十年中,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。马路已经变得宽阔整洁,道路两边高楼林立。大多数人已搬进了社区,住进了现代化的公寓,出行公交车或打的,甚至有些买了小汽车。

四、    My hometown used to be a poor and small town. The roads were narrow and dirty. There was rubbish everywhere. People lived in old and small houses. They could only travel on foot or by bike.      However great changes have taken place in the past thirty years. The roads have become wide and clean with tall buildings on both sides. Most people have moved into the community and have lived in modem flats. Now they can go around by bus or taxi and many families even have their own cars.