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Passenger lines for improving mix run passenger comfort works system countermeasures that should be adopted
Research mainly aimed at the existing lines after the transformation, the passenger mixed run, highest speed 160 km have ballastless track. From sway car emergence mechanism analysis, find the real reason why produce measurable bad in dynamic and static, build a platform between, the dynamic testing the problems found with lines diseases connected. At the same time on the field detection, diseases repairing and operation organization, homework means were discussed, to solve current works system maintenance modes, methods and comfort degree does not adapt the problem, utmost ground prolongs the equipment maintenance cycle.
Through the track inspection car map analysis and daily accumulated experience, will sway car reason summarized as rail irregularities composite wave, 70m worldwide wave rail irregularities, rail against level reverse composite irregularities, etc.
The field detection method proposed must follow the principles, summarizes the sway car common signs, discusses the straight line, curve, rail specific inspection methods.
According to the regulation methods of regulation points, renovation examples, to master the skill of three layers is discussed. Will field common diseases repairing methods are summarized, this paper puts forward the comprehensive renovation point of view.
Operation organization is put forward in the traditional mode, abandon thoroughly implement repair separately, and actively introduce new equipment, new technology truly pure inspection fine repair.
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