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The first part is about the financial supervision theory general research.This article has first analyzed financial supervision's implication,then has analyzed the related financial supervision's theory,narrated “entrusts an proxy” the theory and financial supervision's relations,thought that under the market economy condition the financial supervision root the question which produces in the government proxy public property right,this question is creates by the objective existence information asymmetry.The second part introduced the villages and towns financial supervision present obtains the achievement,simultaneously the system analysis current our country villages and towns financial supervision faced with the question which and appeared.The third part proposed consummates our country villages and towns financial supervision system's conception.Finally,this article proposed that should handle the financial supervision and other economical surveillance's relations correctly,strengthens the financial supervision and other economical surveillance's coordinated work
看了 英语翻译第一部分是关于财政监...的网友还看了以下:

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