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1, Sino-Japanese trade relations between China and Japan in the implementation of review of the normalization of diplomatic relations, especially since China's reform and opening-up, Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation has experienced the change from small to big, from shallow to deep deep, made great progress in various fields, Japan is the main source of China to attract foreign investment, China is one of Japan's largest trading partner and important export market. The current Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations have gradually formed a multi-level, multi-field, complementary advantages, cooperation framework forms, stable development, and showing a good momentum of development. Since 90 time, the steady growth of China-Japan trade scale, according to Chinese customs statistics, from 1972 to 2001 30 years, the bilateral trade volume for the annual growth rate of 16.5%,. After entering in twenty-first Century, the bilateral trade volume continued to climb the new stage of the development of. In 1999, Japan's actual investment of $2970000000 in 2005, Japan's investment in China amounted to $6500000000. As China's largest trading partner, after China's accession to the WTO market openness to further improve, the Japanese-funded enterprises continue to transfer to China, Sino-Japanese trade continues to expand the scale of trade balance between the two countries, gradually balance, in 2006, China's total trade in Japan for the first time over the United States of America the proportion, the trade between the two countries Division also dominated by horizontal division. In 2008, Hu Jintao 's visit to Japan, the successful implementation of the " Spring Tour" in 2008, Japan 's $8314000000 surplus instead of the usual deficit. Future in the new century, the economic and trade cooperation is broad Sino-Japanese economic relations in the steady development of the situation at home and abroad, is also affected by various factors, is facing some new problems. Such as the recent Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands. This requires both sides to further strengthen cooperation, jointly explore solutions, to seek cooperation and win-win.