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As the world's aviation industry to guide one of the trends of the British Airways has been initiated in the 21st Century "air travel" concept."21st century air travel" is a customer-centric:take into account the needs of every passenger,to every one of the guests more control and choices,from the beginning set ticket,airport operations to the location of the aircraft environmental control,British Airways is hoping to bring about a better experience for passengers,so that passengers enjoy a more comfortable flight.
August 1,2007,British Airways and Virgin Atlantic airlines in August 2004 to January 2006 of conspiracy to manipulate fuel surcharge by Britain,the United States authorities imposed a total of about 270 million pounds (approximately 540 million US dollars) fine,which the United States Department of Justice punished British Airways 300 million US dollars,which is so far out of the second-largest antitrust fines the British Board of Trade fair punishment British Airways 240 million US dollars,the agency set a single enterprises of the most punishment,the two companies will also face up passengers from the 300 million US dollars of claims.Virgin Active and due to report impunity.At the same time,Korean Air company in conjunction with Lufthansa international cargo price manipulation by the United States Justice Department fined 300 million US dollars,Lufthansa surrendered while the exemption for the initiative fine.
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