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Monkey and alligator
Has a river in Africa,In this river is living two alligators,river ashore many palms,the river center is steadily an island,on the island steadily many banana trees.
One day,two alligators float on the water surface,the big alligator said to the small alligator; "The child,you looks,ashore that palm!"
The small alligator as soon as looked that,on that palm has a little ape,jumps for joy.
"The child,these days mothers the mouth is pale very,wants to eat any freshly.You went that monkey to seize,I had to eat his heart."
"Can the mother,how I seize the monkey?The monkey does not launch,I could not crawl the tree.This matter is not easy to do."
"You think well that,can find out the means to come."
The small alligator had thought the half of the day,really found out means to come.He crawls came ashore,crawls to the palm nearby,raises,said to the little ape:"The little ape,you played this half of the day,the belly has not been hungry?"
"I really thought hungry,you listen,the belly rumble rumble calls!"
"You want to eat the banana?You look,on that island the banana may!"
"Is not good,I cannot swim,how goes?"
"We were the old neighbor,I helped you busily!You ride in mine carrying on the back,I lead you to the island to come up,let you eat happily."
"That too was good!Hee hee hee hee......I had thank you!Hee hee hee hee......" The little ape jumps down step down from the tree,happen to jumps to small alligator's carrying on the back.
The small alligator carried on the back the little ape to get down the river,swam,swam,suddenly,downward as soon as sank the body on,frightens the little ape wah wah to call:"Oh,the small alligator,you may not crack a joke,I can be drown to death.You a bit faster swim,swim come up to the island,my delicious banana."
"Heh heh,you want to eat the banana?Which is my mother waiting to eat your heart." The little ape knew now at last oneself is greedy,on small alligator's working as.How manages?He thinks that,said to the small alligator:
"Your mother wants to eat my heart,is good,how do you tell me not early?I was only thinking eats the banana,has brought the mouth,but has not brought the heart."
"Then your heart?"
"My heart puts on the palm."
"!Then we return to the ashore to go quickly,you bring yours heart." The small alligator has transferred the body,swims to the shore,the little ape jumps up the shore to go hastily,three jumped two jumps on the place the palm.
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