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I think the radical reason is that most Chinese students go through two steps when they speak English:organize the sentences in Chinese in mind first,then translate them into English (usually for long or complex sentences,I mean).I really doubt your example that "Chinese never make mistakes in plural form using".I guess by this you mean writting English,not speaking.My roommate,a guy from Newyork,said it is interesting that I often make mistakes on he/she,plural forms and tense when I 'm speaking English.It's simply because I'm a Chinese and we never have those things in Chinese speaking.Another example of the influence brought by Chinese pattern of thinking could be the wrong order of words in a sentence.I often hear Chinese students unconsciously say this:XXXXX is what/when/where?Well,I'm just saying written and spoken language are very much different.The grammar that most Chinese students learned is the grammar for writting.An American friend of mine once told me:when you speak English,pronounciation is far more important than grammar.It's definitly ture to me.
When I speak English,two troublesome problems to me may be 1) chaotic words order and 2) the lack of vocabulary.
For instance,due to the Chinese patterns of organizing sentences,I prefer to put the time and place in the middle of a sentence rather than put them at the end."Have you in Lordon worked?" fits the Chinese ways of expressing but never the English ways.
The lack of vocabulary is universal to all secondary language speaker,I guess.You may know the idiom "that ship has sailed" but you may not know "that log has become a boat" (Chinese idiom,means the same).Anyway,the accumulation of knowledge takes time :-)
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