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我非常高兴能站在这个讲台上为大家演讲 今天我演讲的题目是 考研VS就业
我们在上到大三的时候总是面临着一些必要的选择 其中最典型的一个就是考研还是毕业就工作 在这里我们就简单谈一下考研与就业
很多持考研观点的同学有着自己坚定的理由 第一 在就业压力日趋激烈的社会 持有硕士文凭的应聘者总是比持有学士学位的应聘者有着更多的就业机会 在工作待遇上也有着明显的优势 更重要的是这种状况在长期之内不会改变 其次 对于读了那么多年书的同学们 他们对升学总是有一种特殊的敏感 再由高中升到大学 而大学毕业之后他们总是自然而然的想要升学继续学习更多的东西 而且他们也希望自己在所学的专业上有着更深的理论造诣
而准备毕业就工作的同学们他们也同样有着自己坚定的理由 第一 考研的成本很高 如果一次考不成功 再考第二次 第三次 所花的钱就更多了 即便是考上了研究生 三年的学费和生活费也是一笔不小的数目 第二 就是现在大多数的人所共同关心的一个话题 现在的企业所看重的大多是一个人的可操作性与实践能力 对于一个刚刚踏入社会的研究生 他并不比一个有着三年工作经验的本科生抢手 再加上读研也要花去3年的时间 比较现实的人更偏向于在社会上积累经验和能力 第三 一个本科生毕业后找到工作 他的月薪假设是2000元/月 3年之后 他的月薪升到了5000元/月 而一个刚毕业并且学习同样专业的研究生 他的工资可能也就是2000元左右
所以 在这里我想告诉大家 考研还是工作 要看自己的实际情况 在大三作出关乎自己一生的重要抉择时 一定要本着谨慎 科学 理性的原则 来为自己的人生交上一份满意的答卷.
Hi I am very glad to stand on the stage for the speech, the topic of my speech today is one's deceased father grind VS employment
We always up to three facing some necessary choice among the most typical is one's deceased father grind or graduate work here, we will talk with simple grind employment
Many of the students have their own views grind firmly in the employment pressure for the increasingly fierce social holding master degree candidates always holds a bachelor degree candidate than a more employment opportunities in the work and pay the obvious advantage of this situation is more important in the long term will change secondly to read a book on entering the students they always have a special kind of sensitive like from primary school to junior high school from the high school to college by and after graduation, they are always naturally want to further study more and they also hoped oneself in major theoretical attainments have deeper
Prepare graduate students of their work is also have their own firm reason first one's deceased father grind costly if once again not successful test the second third spend more money even went to graduate of three-year tuition fees and living expenses is also a number is now the second most common people a topic of concern that the value of the enterprise is mostly a person's ability to practice and operability of a student, he is not better than a three years work experience of undergraduate demand plus graduate will also take up to three years practical people preferring socially accumulate experience and ability to find a third undergraduate graduation after working his salary is 2000 yuan/month after three years of his salary rises to 5000 yuan/month and a graduate student learning and also the major of his salary is 2000 yuan
So here I want to tell you one's deceased father grind or work to see their actual situation in three of his life make an important decision about in a cautious when the principle of scientific reason for his life in a satisfactory answer.
My speech ended thank everybody
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