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The idea of this project came from a conveyor belt sushi company in Shanghai.When the flash sashimi rubbing off on delicious sauce,I really enjoy them,and it`s ultra high popularity shocked me deeply.Our restaurant has low investment、lower skill requirements of chefs 、simple management and so on,For a restaurant,in addition to the environment,、services and location,the chef is also the key to success,and our restaurant is greatly reduced the threat from cook technology.We only require 1 or 2 waiters actually,and it saves human resources greatly,(manage will help when it`s very busy) The risk is that the older people are not familiar with sushi in China.At first we will do young people business most of the time.As a sushi restaurant,people will have a great taste in the fresh ingredients.Flip Side,rotary self-help equipment also attract most of the guests,it could give guests freedom of choice and make them enjoy watching various kinds of sushi.
Our shop has low investment, simple management, chef technology demand is low advantage, for a restaurant, in addition to the environment, services, geographical location, the chef is also the key to success, and we this restaurant is greatly reduced the threat that cook technology.The risk is in the Chinese sushi for the older people are not familiar with, at first only do young people business.
The shop as a sushi, sushi is itself apart from fresh ingredients experience, rotary self-help equipment also attract most of the guests of the one of the reasons, let guest experience the freedom of choice and enjoy watching a plate of sushi.The final checkout time as long as the number plate number and variety can be simple, convenient, shop only require 1 to 2 months can be, greatly saves human resources, (busy executives can help)
In the decoration, as far as possible without losing the characteristics of warm, and achieve innovation.
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