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Typhoon is actually strong tropical cyclone.Tropical cyclones occur in tropical oceans on the strong weather system as it flows in the river in advance of the vortex,around the side of the center of their rapid rotation,while moving forward with the surrounding atmosphere.In the Northern Hemisphere tropical cyclones in the air flow around the center were anti-clockwise rotation,the opposite is true in the Southern Hemisphere.The more close to the center of tropical cyclones,the lower the pressure,the greater the wind.However,the development of strong tropical cyclones,such as typhoons,its center was calm but clear zone,that is,the typhoon eye.
In the tropical oceans on the occurrence of tropical cyclones,the intensity of their differences.When a tropical cyclone near the center of the largest wind power is less than 8 hours as the tropical low pressure,8 and 9 as the tropical storm's winds,10 and 11 the wind was stronger tropical storm,the only center in the vicinity of the largest wind power reached 12 tropical cyclones It is called a typhoon.
Tropical cyclone formation and development of the huge energy needs,so it was formed in the high-temperature,high humidity and other weather conditions suitable for the tropical sea surface.According to statistics,with the exception of the South Atlantic,the world's tropical oceans have on tropical cyclone formation
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