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一首《友谊地久天长》,让世界人民产生共鸣.今天在这首歌的陪伴下,我们的活动拉开帷幕.我是主持人刘瑞!有人说世上最珍贵的不是财富 ,而是一份真挚的情谊.因为财富并不能永久 .而朋友却是一生难得的知己.今天很高兴邀请到两对好朋友.就让我们从今天的小游戏中去寻找那真挚的友谊吧.
首先欢迎他们入场 ,作自我介绍
The song (Auid Long Syne) makes people around the world resonate. Today accompanied by this song, our activities will begin. Hello, everybody, I am the host , Liu Rui! It is said the most precious substance is not wealth, however, it is true friendship. Because the riches can not last forever, but friends can be rarely bosom friends in one's life time. Today I am so happy to invite two teams of friends. let us seek the true friendship while playing the little games .
First of all, let's welcome them, afterwards they will introduce themselves.
Today, the first game is ''Words Guessing'', each team selects a group of words, then we will ask one single student in each team to imitate meaning of this word. His/Her teammates will guess which word it can be according to the hints. One word guessing is within two munites ,the team who guess more words within given time will win.
Next , Let's begin our second program, " The Talent Show" . The team who win in the first part will have priority for the performance order selection. Ok, let's welcome the first team to show their tallents. Well, then let's enjoy the performance of second team. We are very grateful for the wonderful performance of two teams. I think you have deepened the understanding of friendship during cooperation of the peremformance.
The last part is that they are going to sing that classical song of friendship---(Friends)sung by Zhou Jianhua.