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Dear David:
I am sorry to hear of that you couldn't pass that examination.I know you should be frustrated now.As your friend ,I want you to know that once failure dosen't mean anything,you need to put yourself together,get back to review the book for the next examination.You could came to me for help if you might meet some point where you don't understant.Don't be shy,rember we are friend.I wish you can
catch up with your classmate through your hard study.
\x05\x05\x05\x05 your sincere friend Martin
Dear David:
I am sorry to hear of(去掉of) that you couldn't(didn't) pass that(the) examination.I know you should(might) be frustrated now. As your friend ,I want(would like) you to know that once(one) failure dosen't(doesn't) mean anything. You need to put yourself together (and) get back to (prepare) for the next examination.You could came(come) to me for help, if you might(去掉) have any questions where(which) you don't understand. Don't be shy. and remember we are friends.I wish you can(could)
catch up with your classmate(classmates) through your hard study.
your sincere friend Martin
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