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 The firecracker, a SuiChu were TuSu into spring. The pupil, always find the new pupil change descriptor. The old peach,
  Only once a year, the most lively is that night, I'm looking forward to that night, meet the glamorous night. Small
  That night, brings me a lot of joy and fun. For this year's "university", his mother and grandmother meal of the eve in two days before the start "construction". Because of the eve of the lunar New Year is a New Year reunion dinner, indicating that the start, everything to be perfect, there can be careless. Every time, I will be careful, lest casual words say what not hear or unlucky, bring mother scolded. For my annual meal, this is not just a simple dinner, but all will participate in the ceremony. So in the material life of abundance today, we still have the habit of eating meal in the home.
  My meal exquisite division and cooperation, each department responsibility. Mother is always stylist, responsible staff scheduling. For the reunion dinner, mother will be the alexipharmic ark of pale blue beautiful tableware use. Father helped mother coolie, responsible for buying dishes, buy condiment, oil and salt sauce vinegar, basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle, My grandma is the assistant chief designer, Grandpa is cooking for his speciality, Well, I was responsible for "steal to eat," in a dish, I always ready to try to steal the food, eat well appetite, alas, I am a rat?
  Mother do meal is exquisite, the food must be even number, cold heat, there are trained and double their meat, a "good things come in pairs CaiTou". Her mother will flash every meal sometime some good dishes make us comment, but a few dishes is mother's reserve, every indispensable, like "evaporate", "boiled chicken", "Fried fish meatball," "braise in soy sauce. Mother thinks that has these dishes adumbrative next life rich and well-fed glut.
  In the mother's command and conducted under the whole evening at seven o 'clock midnight feasts, we YiPanPan officially began, well-balanced, appetizing food, I see table dazzled. Dinner! I take it up to your delicious food. Mother put juice and pour out in red wine, the goblet. This is a program for our annual New Year wishes, before the eve of the lunar New Year (we will put oneself think best wishes to give to family members). This is my first game since the cup, I wish mom and dad - health, health, success in work, Grandma and grandpa wishes, south mountain - h ū turi dergi mederi I gese. Mom and dad grandparents also put their wishes for my mom and dad, I wish every good mood, body health, Grandpa and grandma wish me study progress. Then we end up glass, "cheers!" Our house is a warm family, I love my family.
  My big family dinner not only university, so happiness, I will do for a gourmet's mother, also proud to have a happy family proud.
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