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"If you give me three days light" Du Hougan
Ever since I read Helen Keller's "if give me three days light". Ownership of the book has been flashing before my eyes, she encouraged me.
Helen Keller was born 19 months, from blindness, hearing soon after impact. Then she spent in the long dark night with silent world. Long live the blind, make her feel the bright eyes and valuable. She does not like ordinary people feel the joy of life, can not enjoy this beautiful world full of fun, can only use her delicate hand touch of regret and frustration. But she is so strong, like perseverance, like the strong growth in a snow storm in the grass, insight into other people's inner world, while we have bright eyes, people are always so to pay no heed to the ear, eye bright people, to see what is small.
Helen Keller once said: "only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind can feel great happiness to see things." If the three days, you will become blind, then you may be particularly cherish your eyesight, see with own eyes I think the most important thing. If after three days, you die, then you will make a number of people as the acme of perfection thing!
The teacher often says: "seize the day, make good use of your life!" But I'm not to regard it as right. Because we all know that one day will be forever left this world, but we usually use the day to think too far away. When we are in buoyant health is usually can't imagine disabled. To do so, then we underestimate the value of life, don't know what to live, until the moment of death came to understand, but already late.
Helen Keller her never say die spirit, perseverance to forge ahead, inspired generations of people, let us cherish like blind eyesight treasure our life! To make life more meaningful, more valuable(英文)下面是翻译
海伦·凯勒她那种永不言败、执着奋进的精神,激励了一代又一代的人,就让我们像瞎子珍惜视力一样珍惜我们的生命吧! 让生活变得更有意义,更有价值(中文)希望采纳
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