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2.What should we do to fight the flu
Every morning,I get up at seven o'clock,and do some indoor-sports at nine o'clock.At twelve o'clock,I begin to have my lunch.In the afternoon,I swim at two.At five,I play football.Then,I have dinner at six.In the evening,I watch TV at eight,and do some reading at nine.At ten o'clock,I go to bed on time.
This is my happy day.
Peter is a middle school student.He likes reading books very much ,but he is very forgetful and doesn't take good care of his books .
He borrowed a storybook named David Copperfield from the school library two weeks ago.It was time for him to return the book,but he could't find it angwhere.He had to go to the school library and tell the librarian about it.The librarian told him that he had to pay for it if he could't find it.
As a student,we should love books and look after our books well.
Sunday,teachers and students go to the park to have a trip.They play near the river .Tom is flying a kite.Mary is reading a book with some pictures on it.The twins Lucy and lily are playing chess under the tree.There is a boat in the river.And there are two young men siting on the boat.they are fishing.they are students 'teachers.
Dear jane ,
i have read your letter.i think there are some points to keep healthy.first,we should do more exercises.second ,make sure that everything is clean,especially your hands.third,we must cultivate good habit of daily life.
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