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Your request for a visa has been refused pursuant to Article 15 in conjunction with Article 5 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 19 june 1990 because you do not satisfy the conditions under c of Article 5(1) of the said Convention,which stipulates that it is a condition that the applicant submits documents substantiating the purpose and the conditions of the planned visit and has sufficient means of support,both for the period of the planned visit and to return to their country of origin or to travel in a Third State,into which their admission is guaranteed,or is in a position to acquire such means legally.
According to the Norwegian Immigration Regulation section 106 sixth paragraphs,second sentence,an application for a visa may be rejected if considered necessary from an immigration policy viewpoint.The Consulate General has noted that the applicant comes from a country with a potential for immigration due to its Social and economic situation.In our experience with many specific groups and nationalities indicates that many fail to leave Norway upon expiration of their visas,and it has become our practice to issue visa only in exceptional cases.Norway has harmonized its policy with the other Schengen members,and for all citizens of China our practice is to consider the applicant's ties to their home country.
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