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我想看看天上的星星为什么会眨眼 银河系又是怎样的美丽,宇宙又有多少奥秘,我想成为在酒泉指挥中心的一员,我不想成为航天员,不想成为航天器设计师,而是想成为那个没有多少人知道的零号指挥员,我的偶像也变成了中国宇航局的零号指挥员.
Space is my dream when I was four years old,the god seven launches,and from that day on,I am fascinated I want to have a look of the stars in the sky why will blinkthe Milky way is how beautiful the space,the universe and how much mystery,I want to become a member of theJiuquan command center,I don't want to be astronauts,do not want to become a spacecraft designer,but want to be that not many people know commander,my idol has become Chinese NASA commander.
I wanna see why these stars in the sky are blnking,how the galaxy is so beautiful and how many secrets are there in the universe.I wanna be a member of Jiuquan Command Centre,instead of being an astronaut or a sapcecraft designer,I wanna be the rarely known zero commander and that commander in China Space Agency is actually my idol.
看了 英语翻译我想看看天上的星星为...的网友还看了以下:

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