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PS:别被那么多题目吓到 其实都不难 但我不知道怎么用英语回答 比较书面的英语答题语句不会写
c.Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude.With this fact in mind,explain why helium- filled weather balloons are underinflated when they are launched from earth.
d.A commonly used packing material consists of “bubbles” of air trapped between bonded layers of plastic,known as bubble wrap.Using the ideal gas law,explain why this packing material offers less protection on cold days than on warm days.
e.At the start of a trip,a driver adjusts the absolute pressure in her tires to be 2.81 x 105 Pa when the outdoor temperature is 284 K.At the end of the trip she measures the pressure to be 3.01 x 105 Pa.Ignoring the expansion of the tires,find the air temperature inside the tires at the end of the trip
f.A 50 mL glass vial of xenon gas at 23 ˚C and 130 kPa was placed in the refrigerator,where the temperature was 3.6 ˚C.What is the pressure of the chilled xenon gas in the vial?
g.A lung-full of air (350 cm3) is exhaled into a machine that measures lung capacity.If the air is exhaled from the lungs at a pressure of 1.08 atm at 37 ˚C,but the machine is at 0.958 atm and 23 ˚C,what is the volume of air measured by the machine?
h.In a diesel engine,the piston compresses air at 305 K to a volume that is one-sixteenth of the original volume and a pressure that is 48.5 times the original pressure.What is the temperature of the air after the compression?
underinflated 是 未充满气的.
H题,不用求出来n的值,直接用 PV=nRT 求出来 T=PV/nR,把P和V变化前后的倍数关系带进去,得到T变化的倍数,就能求出来了.
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