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S-silver 银色,斯院代表色.  L-lofty 崇高的,斯莱特林的学子或是在政界执掌大权或是在学术界问鼎巅峰,即便是黑魔王,你依然无法否认他的成就之高   Y-yare 敏捷的,不论是武技还是械斗,我们都将敏捷的优势发挥到极致   T-truth 真相,真相似乎永远掌握在这群冷漠的巫师手中,他们趋利避害,缄默却明智   H-honest 忠实,忠于家族,忠于血统,忠于自己的尊严与理想,任何人都无法令我们背叛自己的坚持   E-elegance 优雅,只有斯院才真正体现出了这种气质,完美得近乎虚幻、毫无破绽的优雅.  R-royal 皇朝,斯莱特林建立了自己的皇朝,四巨头之一的蛇祖萨拉查——黑暗勋爵伏地魔——地窖蛇王斯内普,我们完全有理由相信,将有更多斯院学子带着前人给予他们的荣耀,一步步走向辉煌   I-intelligent 聪明,斯莱特林的学子狡猾精明,他们审时度势,并为自己谋得相应的利益   N-never 从未,他们从未失去尊严,从未衰败,从未破裂,从未向他人低头,斯莱特林即是埋藏在他们骨血中的骄傲,他们永远不会丢弃,也从未丢弃!
All for the sublimity and spirit of SLYTHERIN
S-silver 银色,斯院代表色.
S is for silver, the representative colorof the school.
L-lofty 崇高的,斯莱特林的学子或是在政界执掌大权或是在学术界问鼎巅峰,即便是黑魔王,你依然无法否认他的成就之高.
L is for lofty, the Slytherins, whether they are at the helm of political circles or at the zenith of academic world, even if they are the Dark Lords, still , their overachievements cannot be denied.  

Y-yare 敏捷的,不论是武技还是械斗,我们都将敏捷的优势发挥到极致
Y is for yare; whether tactical or weaponry,they always apply their agility advantage to the utmost in fighting.
T-truth 真相,真相似乎永远掌握在这群冷漠的巫师手中,他们趋利避害,缄默却明智
T is for truth; this group of wizards seems to hold the truth forever; they draw on the advantages and avoid harms, reticent but sagacious.

H-honest 忠实,忠于家族,忠于血统,忠于自己的尊严与理想,任何人都无法令我们背叛自己的坚持
H is for honest; loyal to the family, loyal
to the blood, loyal to personal pride and ideal; no one can make us betray our perseverance.
E-elegance 优雅,只有斯院才真正体现出了这种气质,完美得近乎虚幻、毫无破绽的优雅.
E is for elegance; only the Slytherin School can really reflect this kind of quality, this perfection is almost surreal, with flawless elegance.

R-royal 皇朝,斯莱特林建立了自己的皇朝,四巨头之一的蛇祖萨拉查——黑暗勋爵伏地魔——地窖蛇王斯内普,我们完全有理由相信,将有更多斯院学子带着前人给予他们的荣耀,一步步走向辉煌
R is for royal; Slytherin has established its own dynasty, one of the 4 heads, Serpent Salazar—Dark Lord Voldemort--Severus Snape, we have every reason to believe that more Slytherins, armed with the glory of their predecessors, will march towards resplendence.

I-intelligent 聪明,斯莱特林的学子狡猾精明,他们审时度势,并为自己谋得相应的利益
I is for intelligent; the Slytherins arecunning and intelligent, they wait for the proper moment to get their benefits.

N-never 从未,他们从未失去尊严,从未衰败,从未破裂,从未向他人低头,斯莱特林即是埋藏在他们骨血中的骄傲,他们永远不会丢弃,也从未丢弃!
N is for never, they never lose their dignity, never wane, never breakup, never bow to others; Slytherin is the pride hidden within their flesh and blood to which they have never forsaken and never will.
