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7.6 The draft regulations seek to amend the legislation identified above with the exception of the Occupational and Personal Pensions Scheme (Consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2006 which we consider to be outside the scope of the implementation exercise in view of the fact that these regulations relate to technical changes to pensions, not involving agency workers, rather than the wider form of discussion of employment-related issues relevant to such workers, as envisaged by the Directive. The amending legislation will introduce a requirement that, where information is provided on the employment situation, information is also provided on the use of agency workers. The draft regulations seek to define what constitutes ‘suitable information’ in the context of each set of amended Regulations, but will not make reference to information on the equal treatment of agency workers, which is subject to separate provision under part 2 of the draft regulations. As TICE will be amended as part of the implementation of the recast European Works Council Directive, we propose that the changes to it relating to information as to use of agency workers are incorporated in that instrument instead.
7.7 The Government wishes to ensure that the relevant information on the use of agency workers is supplied in all the situations where there is a currently an obligation, either explicit or implicit, on employers to provide information on the employment situation. The Government does not consider that normal collective bargaining falls into that category of legal obligation. The Government therefore considers it would be outside the scope of Article 8 to introduce a new requirement on employers to provide information about their use of agency workers in the general context of collective bargaining.
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