早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




    假如你们学校要举办校庆联欢会,需要一些多才多艺的学生表演节目。有意者请拨打632-8187与杨先生联系。请参考所给提示写一则招募广告。(至少写五句话,短文开头已给出) 。

参考句型:Can you…?

提示词或短语:sing dance play the piano/violin/ guitar …,give skit performances (表演小品) , perform crosstalk (表演相声) …

         Students Wanted for Our School Celebration Party 

    We want some students for our school celebration party.                                                                                                                                                                                      


        Students Wanted for Our School Celebration Party

     We want some students for our school celebration party. Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano or the guitar? Can you play the violin? Can you give skit performances? Can you perform crosstalk? If you can do any of these please call 632-8187 and talk to Mr. Yang for more information.

     Come and join in the school celebration party.