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YING英语翻译火山口湖是火山口中积水形成的湖,其中由一种封闭式、特殊类型火山口形成的火山湖叫玛珥湖。这种湖泊多呈圆形,直径一般200米—300米,也有小者近几十米,大者上千米;周围的火山口壁一般在几米到几十米高,顶部比较平缓;湖水清澈平静,水深数十米。湖光岩就是最典型的玛珥湖。 湖光岩玛珥湖位于湛江市区西南方向十八公里处,其面积4.7平方公里,保护控制面积38平方公里,湖水面积2.3平方公里,湖深446米,其中火山泥沉积物420米,水深20多米, 湖光岩青山绿水、终年气温比湖外低3底,是全球古气候、古环境科学研究的“天然信息库”;是中国玛珥湖研究的起点;还是世界闻名的火山地质风景区。湖光岩是所在地下的岩浆向地表入侵,产生大量蒸汽,冲破岩石与土层发生爆炸后,冷却下沉的产物,留下了神奇的景色: 奇景之一:“天然年鉴” 因湖水不受外界水系干扰,其沉积层忠实地记录了地球古植被的变化,成为研究地球古气候与环境演变的“天然年鉴”和“自然博物馆”。 奇景之二:“净湖” 湖水清澈见底,不脏不臭。有关专家说,这是因为湖光岩有一个强大的磁场,使湖水产生一种神奇的自我净化功能。 奇景之三:树叶花草落无踪 湖泊四周都是茂密的树木花草,每逢刮风下雨,树叶花草飘落湖中,但总能消失得无影无踪。 奇景之四:不见蛇、蛙、蚂蟥 2.3平方公里的湖光岩,水中竟没有一只青蛙,也没有蛇和蚂蟥的踪影。 奇景之五:湖区皆是宝 湖光岩周围植物茂盛,一年四季鸟语花香,空气清新。特别是在水杉林区形成一个负离子区,每立方厘米负离子含量达105688个, “天然氧吧”十分宜人;湖底火山泥可用作美容和健身。 湖内有建于隋朝末的楞严寺和白衣庵,湖四周原始雨林区,山上有近百种鸟和几十种生动物,湖里有四米多长的大鱼和直径约2米宽的大龟。是中国唯一的,它由火山湖和火山溶岩组成,在距今十六至十四万年间经多次平地火山爆炸深陷而形成。湖光岩面积二点三平方公里,湖深四百四十六米,其中火山泥沉积物四百多米,水深二十余米。湖和火山泥含有六十多种微量元素。
The crater lake is the lake which in the crater the ponding forms, in which the volcanic lake which by one kind of enclosed type, the special type crater forms calls Masurium Erhu.This kind of lake assumes the circular, the diameter general 200 meters - 300 meters, also has the small near several dozens meters, on the big kilometer; The periphery crater wall in several meters to several dozens meter high, the crown quite is generally gentle; Lake water limpid tranquil, water depth dozens of rice.The lake light crag is the most typical Masurium arc of contact of halo lake. Lake light crag Masurium Erhu is located southwest the Zhanjiang urban district the direction 18 kilometers place, its area 4.7 square kilometers, protect the control area 38 square kilometers, the lake water area 2.3 square kilometers, the lake deep 446 meters, in which volcanic mud deposit 420 meters, the water depth more than 20 rice, the lake light crag beautiful scenery, died at the age of the temperature compared to the lake outside 3 bottoms, is the global palaeo-climatology, the ancient environmental science research “the natural database”; Is beginning which Chinese Masurium Erhu studies; World-famous volcano geology scenic spot.The lake light crag is under the locus rock magma to the surface invasion, produces the massive steam, after breaks through the rock and the soil layer has the detonation, the cooling submersion product, has left behind the mysterious scenery: One of marvelous sights: “The natural yearbook” because of the lake water the outside river system disturbance, its deposit formation faithfully has not been recorded the Earth ancient vegetation's change, becomes studies the Earth palaeo-climatology and the environment evolution “the natural yearbook” and “the natural history museum”.
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