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Yuhong Min's "cup of water."
Students will visit a number of university professors, everyone in the chat, she spoke all the topic turned to the complaint, the students were complaining about the pressures of life and the homework load.
At this time, professors from the kitchen, quietly removed a lot of different textures, different shapes of glass, many of whom are ceramic, porcelain, wood, glass shape very different. Professors so that students themselves take the cup back to drink. After the cup was all taken away, only a few crude tray cups.
Professor then smiled and said: "You see, all detailed, simple, exquisite, beautiful glass have been taken away, and the rest, all people Qiaobu Shang eye plastic cup and now, my question is You choose what is the purpose of the Cup? "
The students said in unison: "Yeah drink." Professor asked: "Since it is water, why do you care about water storage containers, can not readily get a it? Why deliberately selected, and the United States was, fine? "
Students were asked a speechless.
At this time, Professor Stern said: "What is the main and sub, regardless of who wants to hand the state of mind, pressure is the main reason. You drink water, but insisted beauty of the cup, the cup even choose not Shanghao complain when the Italian heart. "
This and life, as life is water, and the reputation and status, just fills a water glass. If we put all the attention on the cup, then we do not have spare time and mood to taste and enjoy the good taste of a cup of water
看了 英语翻译俞洪敏的《杯子与水》...的网友还看了以下:

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