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The Palace Museum
提示1.故宫博物馆坐落在北京城中心,历史悠久2.故宫博物馆很大,所以请小心不要迷路3.如果你参观博物馆,你一定要保持安静 4.不能在博物馆墙上写任何东西,做一个文明的游客
dear friend, welcome to beijing to visit our palace museum, and there are something that i want you to notice. fist, the place museum is very big, so you'd better to follow the guide in order not to be lost. second, you should be quiet when you visit the museum, or you will bother other tourists in the museum. third, in order to be a civilized visitor, you cannot write or paint anything on the wall. that is all. i hope you have a good time.