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peter pan 幼儿话剧 音乐伴奏
Peter pan (幼儿话剧)
人物:巫婆 witch
狐狸 fox
太阳 sun
太阳们 suns
彼得·潘 Peter pan
所有动植物 all
Witch:long long ago,there were four suns in the sky.All the animals felt so bad.Ha ha ha …
Fox:Oh!It is so hot!How can I live in the world?I hate the four suns.Oh!So hot!
All:It is so hot!
Fox:Ah!The suns!
A:I am the tall sun!
B:I am the short sun!
C:I am the fat sun!
D:I am the thin sun!
Suns:We are so proud!We are so strong!Nobody can beat us!
D:(拖长声音地) But we can beat anybody!
Suns:Ha ha ha …(太阳张牙舞爪地走向动物们,吓得它们尖叫.)
Fox:Peter Pan!
All:Peter Pan!
(Peter Pan 带着箭边唱边跳上场,灯光变为追光.)
Peter:(唱) I am Peter Pan.They are my arrows.
Arrows:(唱) We are arrows.
Peter:(唱) I like to help others,and make them feel happy.
(白) So,(唱) They call me.
All:(白) Hero!
All:(白) Hero!Hero!Hero!(灯光变为全场亮光.)
(全体动物围着Peter Pan)
Fox:Peter Pan,our hero!Please help us!
All:Please help us!
Peter:What is the matter?
Fox:We only need one sun,bus there are four suns in the sky.If it is continuous this way,we will die.
All:we will die.
Peter:What?Four suns?What are they doing here?Let me shoot them down.
All:Shoot them down.
Peter:Come here,my arrows.
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
Peter pan (幼儿话剧)
人物:巫婆 witch
狐狸 fox
太阳 sun
太阳们 suns
彼得·潘 Peter pan
所有动植物 all
Witch:long long ago,there were four suns in the sky.All the animals felt so bad.Ha ha ha …
Fox:Oh!It is so hot!How can I live in the world?I hate the four suns.Oh!So hot!
All:It is so hot!
Fox:Ah!The suns!
A:I am the tall sun!
B:I am the short sun!
C:I am the fat sun!
D:I am the thin sun!
Suns:We are so proud!We are so strong!Nobody can beat us!
D:(拖长声音地) But we can beat anybody!
Suns:Ha ha ha …(太阳张牙舞爪地走向动物们,吓得它们尖叫.)
Fox:Peter Pan!
All:Peter Pan!
(Peter Pan 带着箭边唱边跳上场,灯光变为追光.)
Peter:(唱) I am Peter Pan.They are my arrows.
Arrows:(唱) We are arrows.
Peter:(唱) I like to help others,and make them feel happy.
(白) So,(唱) They call me.
All:(白) Hero!
All:(白) Hero!Hero!Hero!(灯光变为全场亮光.)
(全体动物围着Peter Pan)
Fox:Peter Pan,our hero!Please help us!
All:Please help us!
Peter:What is the matter?
Fox:We only need one sun,bus there are four suns in the sky.If it is continuous this way,we will die.
All:we will die.
Peter:What?Four suns?What are they doing here?Let me shoot them down.
All:Shoot them down.
Peter:Come here,my arrows.
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
Peter:You,come here!(指着箭.)
作词:柳毅 类别:
作曲:Peter PAN 类型:流行
演唱:Peter PAN 上传时间 2007-07-31
she comes to my life 像一只蝴蝶到来
she comes to my life 带走一生不变的期待
I don`t konw what to do and why...
I don`t konw what to do and why...
I don`t konw what to do and why...
I don`t konw what to do and why...
I don`t wanna her cry 生命中太多等待
谁是谁的未来 我一直都不明白
I don`t wanna her cry 无所谓爱与不爱
就算一切不存在 我会陪她去等待
she cry she cry.
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