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我有一个强大的祖国 那是一张熟悉的脸,是我痛失亲人后看到的最亲切的笑脸,它眼里闪着泪花,话里充满着力量.那一刻,我感到自己有一个强大的祖国.那是一张陌生的脸,是我埋在瓦砾下看见的最勇敢的脸,它撬开了残垣,搬走了巨石.那一刻,我感到自己有一个强大的祖国.那是一张美丽的脸,是我躺在病床上看见的天使的脸,它包扎着我的创伤,注目驱走我的恐惧.那一刻,我感到自己有一个强大的祖国.那是一张慈祥的脸,是我奔离教室前看过的最镇定的脸,它为了自己的学生,成就了自己的永恒.那一刻,我感到自己有一个强大的祖国.那是一张年轻的脸,是我在排队长列里看到的最急切的脸,它为了灾区的伤员,献出了自己的殷殷鲜血.那一刻,我感到自已有一个强大的祖国.那是一张忙碌的脸,是我在救灾一线上看到的最疲惫的脸,它眼里布满血丝,来不及顾及自己的家人.那一刻,我感到自已有一个强大的祖国.那是世上最可爱的脸,是家乡地震后我不曾面见的男男女女的脸,它远在他乡海外,温暖的目光却紧紧地落在了我的身上.那一刻,我感到自已有一个强大的祖国.地动天不塌,大灾有大爱.那一刻,我感到自已有一个强大的祖国.
I have a strong motherland It is a familiar face. After that I lost relatives to see the smiling faces of the most cordial, It Shanzhao the eyes of tears, Words full of strength. That moment, I feel that they have a strong motherland. It is a familiar face, I was buried under the rubble to see the most brave face, It prised open the Canyuan, To remove the boulder. That moment, I feel that they have a strong motherland. It was a beautiful face. I was lying on the bed to see the angel's face, It bandaging the wounds of me, I fear the eyes, drove them off. That moment, I feel that they have a strong motherland. It is a kind face. Ben is away from the classroom before I read the most calm in the face. It for its own students, Their eternal achievements. That moment, I feel that they have a strong motherland. That is a young face, I was waiting in a queue to see the long list of the most urgent in the face. It's the wounded to the disaster areas, Yan Yan gave up his own blood. That moment, I feel themselves have a strong motherland. It was a busy face, I see on the front line in relief of the most tired face, Its eyes covered with Blood-streaked phlegm, There was no time to take into account their families. That moment, I feel themselves have a strong motherland. It is the world's most lovable face, Is the home after the earthquake I did not see the faces of men and women, It far away in overseas home, Warm eyes are closely fall on my body. That moment, I feel themselves have a strong motherland. The earth will quake days do not fall, A major disaster love. That moment, I feel themselves have a strong motherland
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