早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.If your samples meet our requirement,we will ________ a large order.immediately.
a.place you b.send you\ c.make you d.expect you
2.Although we are _______ to open up business with you,we regret that it is impossible for us to all the reduction asked for,because we have already cut our price to the lowest point after closely examining our cost _______.
a.anxious / calculations\ b.desire / consideration
c.wishing / evaluation d.longing / reduction
3.With a view to supporting your sales we have specially prepared some samples of our new ________ and are sending them to you under _______ cover.
a.models / the same b.designs / separate/
c.styles / another d.makes / other
4.As _______ by you some time ago,we take pleasure in making you the following offer,which is _______ your acceptance within seven days.
a.requesting / due b.requested / subject\
c.your request / subjected d.requests / valid
5._______ to this letter you will find our _______ in triplicate for jackets.
a.Subject / sample invoice b.Enclosed / bona fide holders
c.Applied / entrustment invoice d.Attached / proforma invoice
6.The shipment _______by your Credit No.388 has been ready for some time,but the amendment to the _______ credit has not yet reached us.
a.mentioned / last b.relevant / covering
c.covered / relevant\ d.covering / relevant
7.In ________ with your request,we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against D/P at sight.
a.compliance/ b.accordance c.arrangement d.correspondence
8._______ you will find a cheque covering all commission due to you to _______.
a.Attached / mention b.Enclose / today
c.Enclosing with / update d.Enclosed / date\
9.It is not our intention to rush you into a decision,,but as this article is in great _______,we would advise you _______ yourselves of our offer in your own interest.
a.quantity / capture b.demand / make
c.popularity / supply d.demand / avail/
10.As a special sign of encouragement,we shall consider accepting payment By D/P.We trust this will greatly ________ your efforts in pushing the sales of our products.
a.expedite b.confirm c.amend d.facilitate/