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求一份英语对话 急
B:China's got so many different festivals, the most important is srping festive. It is time when family gets together, and enjoy the happy time. The special gift is the red envelop, old people will put money in and give it to young people. In returen,young people will need to show their appreciationby saying good will to old people.
A: same as China, America's festival has so many varieties, Christmas is the biggest one, people will celebrate together with their families. kids will put out thier socks, so old genertion in the family can pop gifts in. In the morning, old generation will tell kids that all the gifts are from Father Christmas, these gifs are special surprise for Christmas time.
All in one, Festive makes peopl stay in touch, and get together to enjoy those particular time, and give people the time to catch up.
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