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A big shopping mall will be built near my home that is located in a lovely neighborhood.There are both pros and cons for the proposed construction.
Building a shopping mall near my home would bring a lot of benefits to our neighborhood.Firstly,shopping would be much easier and more convenient than before.Without that big shopping mall,people in my neighborhood would have to take a 30 minutes bus ride to another shopping center.However,that shopping center is much smaller than the proposed shopping mall that have way more stores.If the big shopping mall is built,we no longer need to take public transportation or drive to other places for shopping.Secondly,because of the convenience in shopping,the market value of the houses in the neighborhood would go up.If any person in my neighborhood wants to sell their houses,they would make some profits by the transaction.Lastly,the proposed shopping mall has an indoor children's play area.The children in the neighborhood could go to the shopping mall and play in summer time.That could be a family's new weekend plan:the mother could go shopping while the father would watch their child playing in the play area.
However,building such a shopping mall would also have foreseeable side effects.The most significant side effect is that the neighborhood would no longer be as quiet because the shopping mall will attract a lot of people.With more and more people coming into the area,people in my neighborhood may be concerned about the increased traffic and safety issues.Now,there isn't a lot of traffic in the area; however,after the shopping mall would be built,with the increased traffic,people in my neighborhood might get stuck in the traffic on their way home after work or school.Besides,the shopping mall may even attract criminals,such as thieves and robbers.They may decide to go to the shopping mall to steal money from the customers,which may increase the possibility of the comission of the crimes in my neighborhood.As a result,the fair market value of the houses in my neighborhood might go down inevitably.
Although there are both pros and cons of having a shopping mall near my home,I think the benefit outweighs the disadvantages because the traffic and crime issues could be solved by having traffic lights and more security guards and the overall convenience to our entire neighborhood cannot be ignored.
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