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Elderly due to body the function of recession,led to action slow,and reaction slow,and physical declined,problem,limit has elderly of activities range,while elderly needs for appropriate of activities to exercise body,live district internal became they main of activities places,they needs of live district is a security,and suitable walk of activities space; elderly easy produced alone sense,needs and outside Exchange,desire relatives of accompanied and care,and desire neighborhood of harmony,in psychological Shang needs outside of warm,"home" Became increasingly important,needs a can and outside for Exchange,and mutual help mutual of places; elderly with age of increased,life rhythm also gradually slowed,mentality became quiet and peace,began enjoy later happiness comfort of life,search himself of interest hobby,they needs outside provides relative quiet comfortable of environment conditions and suitable of places to do like of things,and enjoy later of happiness life; elderly has strongly of nostalgia color,in previous years of emotional memory is they inside waved of not to of part,They were looking for in the past,memories of the glorious past.Psychological characteristics and physiological characteristics of the aged determines its form and orientation of the living environment,some traditional blocks in China,such as Beijing's hutongs with its unique forms create rich living spaces,presents a suitable old living patterns.
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