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“生、老、病、死”是人之常情,是一个自然规律.但是人们对于生老病死的恐惧,导致了人们对这一话题的禁忌.中西方都有这些禁忌,不愿或者不敢提及这类词,主要是一种心理因素,因为人们都感到恐惧.比如人们忌说癌症,说话人一方面担心自己会染上这种病,另一方面也顾及到听者的感受,所以英语一般用“the big C” “long illness”来避免使用“cancer”这个词.英语中就用“go to heaven ;be gone to a better world; to go to another world ; troubles be over now ;to depart ;to be gone ;to pay one’s dabt to nature ; to breathe one’s last ,等等.而死在汉语中也是更加避讳的.人们害怕死亡,很不愿意提到死亡有关的名物.现代汉语口语就有“过去了”、“不在了”、“去世了”、“离开了”等说法.但是,汉语对不同阶层,身份,和年龄的人的死有着不同的委婉语说.在古代皇帝死了,一般称为驾崩,年轻人死就叫做夭折,战争中死的称为光荣牺牲坏人的死用断气等.死对于人们来说是一种不愉快的事情,当代共产党人干革命.搞建设,依靠的是马克思的理论,追求的是共产主义的思想.一些革命者把死说成是见马克思去或向马克思报到.这一比喻表达了共产党人忠于理想、视死如归的高尚情操.由于,人们都希望自己能够健康长寿,害怕死亡,所以在实际的交际中,尽量避免使用这些有关病死的词语.寄托了一种良好的愿望以及怀着对死者不舍的特殊感情.
"birth,senility,illness and death" is a matter of common phenomena among people.but owing to the fear of these phenomena make it become a forbidden topic among people.Both in east and west all have the taboo to avoid or unwilling to speak out these words,mainly because the psychologic factor,because they all are afraid of death.like people saying cancer,the speaker while speaking this kind of disease,he will concern about himself whether might be infected,on the other hand,he also has to think about the audience,so they usually use "the big C""long illness" instead of "cancer".for english,they will use "go to heaven ;be gone to a better world; to go to another world ; troubles be over now ;to depart ;to be gone ;to pay one’s dabt to nature ; to breathe one’s last ",and so on.
and death is even more forbidden in Chinese.Pople usually really don't want to mention the word,because they are afraid of death.In modern Chinese language will use "past","gone","pass away","leave" etc.to instead.but,Chinese language has many kinds of way of saying death and divides into different level,identity,and ages.In the Ancient Chinese emperor's death,people usually called demise,youth's death called perished,war hero will call a glorious sacrifice,and bad people death called expiration.Death is a most sadness thing to human,contemporary communists advocate revolution,dedicate to the society,depend on the Marx's theory,pursuing the concept of communism.Some people called death as to have a report to Marx,it shows as a comunist's nobal sentiment of loyal to his ideal,face death with no regrets.Because pople afraid of death,and hope they can keep longevity and health,so when on the social interaction,they will try to aviod use the word about death.it indicates a bailment of best wish and fulfills with a special feeling to the dead people.
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