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The Chinese dragon or Oriental dragon is a mythical creature in East Asian culture with a Chinese origin. It is visualized these days as a long, scaled, snake-like creature with four legs and five claws on each (though it did not always have five claws). In contrast to the European dragon which stands on four legs and which is usually portrayed as evil, the Chinese dragon has long been a potent symbol of auspicious power in Chinese folklore and art. The Chinese dragon is traditionally also the embodiment of the concept of yang (male) and associated with the weather as the bringer of rain and water in an agriculturally water-driven nation. Its female counterpart is the Fenghuang (usually translated as a phoenix).
The dragon is sometimes used in the West as a national emblem of China. However, this usage within both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China on Taiwan is rare. Firstly, the dragon was historically the symbol of the Emperor of China. Starting with the Yuan Dynasty, regular citizens were forbidden to associate themselves with the symbol. The dragon re-emerged during the Qing Dynasty and appeared on national flags
Secondly, in European-influenced cultures, the dragon has aggressive, warlike connotations that the Chinese government wishes to avoid. It is for these reasons that the giant panda is far more often used within China as a national emblem than the dragon.
Many Chinese people often use the term "Descendants of the Dragon" (龙的传人) as a sign of ethnic identity, as part of a trend started in the 1970s when different Asian nationalities were looking for animal symbols for representations. The wolf was used among the Mongols, the monkey among Tibetans.
A number of Chinese proverbs and idioms also feature references to the dragon, for example: "Hoping one's son will become a dragon" (望子成龙, i.e. be as successful and powerful as a dragon).
中国龙或者东方龙是在东亚文化中神秘的生物 他们的外貌被描述成像蛇一样的身体 有四肢和爪子 他们不同于西方那些同样四只脚站在地上的邪恶的龙 中国龙一直以来在民间传说合一书中象征着权利 中国龙在传统意义上也是男性的象征 并且会为人间带来雨水 与其相对的象征女性的是凤凰phoenix
龙通常被欧洲人们认为是中国的象征 然而这种用法在现代中国很少见 首先 龙是中国历史上皇帝的象征 从元代开始 普通民众是不允许跟龙的标志有任何联系的 龙又重新在清朝被使用并且出现在国旗上
其次 在欧洲文化中 龙是具有侵略性 好战的 这些都是中国想要回避的 所以 大熊猫通常用作中国的象征
自从1970年开始 不同的亚洲人都开始用动物来比喻自己的民族 很多中国人都会用龙的传人来形容自己的民族 蒙古人把自己比作狼 西藏人把自己比做猴
很多中国谚语和俗语都于龙有关 比如 望子成龙
看了 求一段3分钟长的关于中国龙的...的网友还看了以下:

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