早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Smoking Is Harmful At the class meeting our teacher read us a report in the newspaper. A certain student in a middle school smoked and he wouldn't get rid of the bad habit though his teacherand friends warned him not to smoke any more. He even stole money to get cigarettes and was pat into prison in the end. This really gave usa shock. As we all smoking is very harmful to our health. It does great harm not only to our health, but also to our mind, especially for us teenagers. Now more and more people all over the world have given up smoking or have made up their minds to do so, I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country. We should study hard and make progress every day. We should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people, I think today's class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking. (160 words)
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