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求大学水平原创英语作文一篇150字左右,关于中国体育,题目Games People play in china
求大学水平原创英语作文一篇150字左右,关于中国体育,题目Games People play in china,
Game in China In China,different sports appeal to different people.Not everyone likes the same sports,the more people will play sports,including basketball,soccer,table tennis,badminton.Basketball,more than a sport,it is a part of life in China.More and more people like to play sports.In high school,the children developed "action." However,in junior high school,children tend to become a great basketball player,tilt shooting with great skill and accuracy.In some clubs,athletes have good technology,but the lessons of the body,they limit the development of strength.Football has a more modern appeal,more violent game,and it seems to be closer to real life.This involves strategies like war games,and the fans as the changes in the planning of the forces of General.Football in China,the sport is just beginning.Chinese football is in its infancy,but there are still a lot of people are keen.Table Tennis,because we know,table tennis is China's country sports.The Chinese people are good at playing table tennis,we always get the first game.This movement,both indoor and outdoor,can be,simple equipment suitable for different age people involved,it is likely to be accepted.Badminton is a body movement exercise gear.It is suitable for people of all ages.And the level of China's badminton world for the first time.Chinese badminton player advanced technology fast,flexible style tactics,playing a brilliant record of many games.
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