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Modern advertising is a wide range of functions, the main functions : information functions, the economy function, social function, the publicity function, psychological function, aesthetic function. Advertising messages transmitted main functions : advertising, merchandise information, communication enterprises. as a bridge between business and consumers. The economic functions of advertising : reflected in the economic function of advertising in the marketing communication had played a role in overall economic activity and effectiveness. Advertising flow of information associated with their economic activities, promote economic development, and product sales. contribute to a virtuous circle of social production and circulation of commodities, capital and accelerate the flow of commodities. improve production efficiency and to create more wealth. Advertising can effectively promote the sale of their products to guide consumption, while the production know, the role of enterprise development is immeasurable. Advertising : Advertising is the social function of new knowledge and new technology will benefit educational function. to the public dissemination of new knowledge in the field of science and technology, new inventions and new creations, and help develop the community's vision, active people's minds and enriched material and cultural life. The function of advertising : advertising propaganda tool for the dissemination of economic information, is a form of social communication, involving thinking, consciousness, beliefs, moral content. Advertising : the psychological function caused consumers and induce consumers interest and desire to promote the production and consumption behavior. Modern advertising is the main psychological function. Advertising : the aesthetic function as a special advertising products, for consumer acceptance. must have a certain aesthetic value, to a certain extent, to meet the aesthetic needs of consumers. In fact, advertising is not as harmful, it is a lot of trouble trying to defraud people who were actually using the advertisement of false advertising
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