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Greetings,I am Li Hua.Let me tell you a little story.I was just a kid when I had my first exploration adventure at that creepy mansion in the rural area.I remember I climbed over the gates after sunset that evening.I was all alone in the cobbled courtyard but there were inexplicable noises of cartwheels and horses' hooves.I searched around the rooms.I was excited to discover the 250-year-old tavern hosting an extensive collection of smuggling paraphernalia.I was in the pitch-dark basement when I heard cries and footsteps in empty corridors.As I was finding my way out,I heard something that made me jump out of my pants.It sounded like a grown man running through the kitchen.I heard a crash as something apparently fell and hit the kitchen floor.After my heart stopped pounding I went to investigate.A gentleman in a top hat walked out the building through the kitchen wall and left a coffee pot on the floor.I knew nobody came in through the front door because I would have seen them.Nobody came in from the back door either because there were piles of rotten dead bodies blocking it.I called out and asked if anyone was in the building.A weeping female murder victim,crawling out from a crack on the wall,pointed her bony finger towards the stairs.I went upstairs to discover a bedroom numbered four with blood flowing out underneath its door.I opened the door and I saw something shocking.I fainted and I could not remember afterward what it was exactly.Pants wetting was the only thing I can still recall.I have never told anyone I live with what happened.I have had sleepless nights every now and then.I have been seeing several psychiatrists.I must not stop my medication up to these days.I would try to hurt someone otherwise.The memories are haunting me so badly that I want to drill through my skull.My parents had many fights upon my status and they had divorced recently because they could not bear to see me like this.Therefore,for my own good,I believe demolishing that mansion and replacing it with anything else would be a cure to my problem.It would be worth a try,wouldn’t it?
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