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Rural financial organization system from the basic establishment, to gradually establish a rural cooperative bank, then the trend of commercialization, transformed into joint-stock banks, are a series of reform of the financial system to complete the. This paper elaborated on China's rural financial system vicissitude process, from the financial system in rural China and Guangdong development status of rural financial development in the Agricultural Bank to build achievement, data collection, talent strategy and farmer income results. We look forward to, deepen the comprehensive rural reform, promote reduce farmer burden; to actively promote the rural financial reform and innovation, increase strength to open outlets, for the rural financial reform and innovation to provide strong support policy; development of farmer cooperatives, supporting the development of farmer professional cooperative, promoting rural social service system; urban and rural development, construction new pattern of urban and rural integration long-term urban and rural division system, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, improve the rural modern level, accelerate modern agriculture.
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