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The Hong Kong government is set to overhaul(革新) its immigration policy with the aim of making it easier for mainland and overseas talents to live and work in the city. This is a welcome step because it will remove what is widely seen as a major hurdle to Hong Kong’s efforts to attract qualified immigrants to help its development.
To sustain the growth of the services sector, which accounts for nearly 80 percent of Hong Kong’s GDP, it is necessary to continuously expand the pool of talents in various fields. Efforts to attract mainland and overseas talents to Hong Kong are taking on special urgency not only because of fierce competition from other cities, particularly Singapore, but also the rapidly aging population resulting from years of low or negative birthrates.
Hong Kong enjoys certain distinct advantages over many Asian cities in the competition for talents. Beyond its vibrant economy, underlined by a free market environment, Hong Kong has a combination of some of the most distinctive elements of Chinese and Western cultures. Hong Kong is as exciting as many other Asian boomtowns, and yet it is no less efficient than a typical European city with a much smaller population. Housing costs are high, but no higher than those in other financial centers. For international banks and multinational corporations, housing costs are a concern only when the opportunity to make money begins to dry up. And this situation is not happening in Hong Kong as the local economy, riding the boom on the mainland, is rapidly expanding.
It is within this context that the government takes the lead to revise its immigration policy, which calls for, among other things, the establishment of a one-stop service center to process all applications under various migrant schemes. This means that an applicant will in future need to submit only one form for processing. Other changes to the policy include the removing of the age restrictions and lowering of experience requirements. Under the present scoring system used to vet applicants, those who are older than 50 and those with less than five years of work experience win no points in their respective categories. The details of the proposed changes have not been announced. But according to a government official quoted by the local press, the aim is to broaden the pool of qualified applicants.
The HK government’s revising its immigration policy
It aims to (56) _______ the pool of qualified immigrants and attract talents to help its development.
Other Asian (57) _______ cities bring great pressure on it.
Low birth rates (58) _______ about rapidly aging population.
It has a (59) _______ market environment.
It (60) _______ elements of Chinese culture and those of Western cultures.
It is as (61) _______ as a typical European city.
(62) _______ with other financial centers, housing costs are not
a concern due to the boom on the mainland.
Applicants will need to (63) _______ in only one form for processing.
The age restrictions are (64) _______.
Experience requirements are (65) _______.
56. broaden / expand   57. competitive   58. brings   59. free     60. combines
61. efficient      62. Compared    63. send                    64. removed    65. lowered

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