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This is an anthem for heroism.The hero Old Sendiego failed to catch any fish for the past 84 days and he owed it to a grave bad luck. However, nothing could demolish his wil and force him to abandon his pursuit,so he went on fishing and finally hooked a very big fish after waiting for 3 more days.Later,when he met with the shark,the fight between them grew tougher.This old fisherman first pricked the shark with his fishing spear,but the fishing spear got dragged away by the shark very soon, he then tied his knife to the starch to carry on with the battle while the knife was broken after a short while too and he ended up fighting the shark with a short stick and the ruder.After a fierce struggle,he finally defeated this ferocious shark.From this story I feel that perseverence is crucial in defeating a powerful enemy and to win victory,we should also learn from this old man and make full use of things availabe around us and use our mind.Even though we might run into setbacks temporarily,we should not feel frustrated as perseverence will surely lead us to success.Besides, from the fact that the old fisherman ran into a serial shark attacks I also learnt that people might be faced with greater challenges when they succeed.When the old man tied the big fish to the boat,he seemed to have gained a final victory while as a matter of fact,it was just an lure for groups of sharks-which might bring him more risks and challenges.The same is also true for our daily life-when we achieve success,we should never feel self-satisfied but carry on with a more humble attitude toward life,take initiatives to overcome greater obstacles and climb up to new peaks.A profound philosophy can be gained from this story-Men are not born for failures.One can be destroyed but never defeated.
看了 英语翻译这是一曲英雄主义的赞...的网友还看了以下:

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