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Since the last century,1990s,China's large-scale urban expansion led to a large-scale demolition campaign around.House Demolition not only improved people's living conditions,living environment,but also ensure the smooth progress of urban construction.But in the current process of urban demolition,due to many factors,resulting in many disputes and conflicts and some even very serious.From a legal point of view of the relationship,it involves the handling of complex legal relations,including the relationship between administrative law and civil legal relationship.For urban demolition activities,a good start,we must deal with the relationship between these laws,protect the legal relationship of the demolition of the rights and interests of the parties.At the same time,legal system exists,with urban demolition imperfectly.To a certain extent,the solution to such problems has brought inconvenience to the existing urban house demolition resettlement is the most important legal basis for the promulgation on June 2001 "Urban Housing Demolition Management Ordinance "(hereinafter referred to as" Regulations ").China's urban housing demolition activities do play a certain role in guiding and regulating,but the remaining number of shortcomings,such as the government's administrative power to bind is not enough; there is no distinction as to social and public the interests of a purely commercial purpose and the purpose of demolition activities,December 16,2009,the State Council Legislative Affairs Office held a forum to discuss the revised demolition regulations to the public for comments.
This paper proposes the demolition of the legal relationship from the city,relocation problems in the legal system,urban relocation in the role of the executive position and "regulations" in areas such as amendments to the analysis and discussion in order to better understand and solve the demolition process the problems encountered.
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