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英语作文Dear friends
考试作文,为了同学们远离H1N1和保持身体健康,你班将举行一次英语班会,主题为“How to be strong and healthy”.根据提示作文:1充足的睡眠2加强锻炼,增加户外活动3吃饭定时,少吃零食4养成讲卫生的习惯.词数120左右,开头已给出,Dear friends,急.

Dear friends,
With the fast development of society and the raising of animal husbandry, the nature which has created a lot of new virus. As the one of the yonths, I strongly convince that you are supposed to know more about how to prevent it and how to be far away about it. There are three main factors below you should keep on your minds: the enough of sleeping, increasing your exercise and keeping yourslef clean.
Firstly, a good, health body should be sleeping enough. Good sleeping gives your good status to face to various virus. It also gives you a good mood to be friendly toward everybody everyday. This is such important to help you prevent virus.
Similarly, keeping a heathy body aslo requires your sweat. Increasing you exercise which is a fair choice. Playing basketball, runing outside and something wahtever you'd like. Pick one or two or you are about to be ill.
Finally, keeping yourslef clean which can lead to you be far away to disease. My recommendation is that wash your body to be clean one time at least everyday as you are in the summer and before your expected dinner, be sure you've cleaned your hands already.
结尾我懒的写了 早够120了
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