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1,the Dragon Boat Festival,also called Double Fifth Festival,Dragon Boat Festival is due to the lunar calendar,is the three important festivals in China
2,this festival is to commemorate a patriotic poet - Qu Yuan
3,Qu Yuan in ancient China has been a loving and respected officials,but because of lack of access to the emperor,he was cast in the case of depression Perot Jiang himself.
4,China's Dragon Boat Festival celebration of folk are rich,the more popular activities in the following two forms
5,the race is the Dragon Boat Festival,the main practices,particularly prevalent in the southern city of China,according to legend originated in the ancient state of Chu people were not willing to Xian Chen Qu Yuan died,many people save the boat to catch up.They vie with each other,not a trace when chasing the Dongting Lake.May 5 after a year to commemorate the dragon boat
6,the Dragon Boat Festival food dumpling.Dragon Boat Festival,eating dumplings,which is another tradition of the Chinese people.Because of Qu Yuan's love,the inhabitants rushed Perot River boating in the river to search for Qu Yuan,and will use corn stalks wrapped in bamboo or rice thrown into the river Perot,in case the river fish eat his body.
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