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有关眼睛是心灵的窗户 100-300英语作文
描述 平凡人通过瞎子 或者.看见了领悟出 眼睛是心灵的窗户.看见彩色的世界

Now more and more students,senior or junior,even the pupils in primary schools,are near-sighted.For example,sixty percent of the students in our class wear glasses.How serious the situation is!
What cause them to be near-sighted?It is because we read books all day,so eyes are too tired.At the same time,most of us don't pay attention to the right posture of writing.
It is well-known that eyes are the important part of our body.We use them to see all the things around us.Without eyes we can not study or work well.So people say eyes are the window of the soul.Of course,glasses are a great help if we are near-sighted.But it is inconvenient with glasses on your face .
Though everyone knows the importance of our eyes,not all of us understand how to protect them.I think we should.
First,after we have worked for about an hour or so,we'd better let our eyes have a rest--either close the eyes for a short time or look into the distance.Second ,we should't read in the sun,or in a poor light,or in a moving bus,and do remember reading on bed is a bad habit.Third,we should pay attention to the distance from eyes to the book.Don't read too close the book.Finally,we shoule insist on doing eye-exercise day.
In short,we should try our best to keep our eyes bright.
The eyes are the windows of the soul
Feeling is Xuanhu things.Eyes reflect the soul.When a person lying or very uncertain times,his eyes will be very natural.Therefore,the only address is the most true.Of course,if it is encountered people who are accustomed to acting,it has not.Above normal only for the people!..
May be seen through a kind of fear is fear of people were too thoroughly,more will be re-injury,so sometimes prefer to hide their emotions.Would not be revealed.
Some of the naked eye Although it is not clairvoyance,but able to see the potential of eyes see things.We have to have a pair of thorough,bright eyes and not by the fans before the Loop Mirror.Opened soul Windows can be insight into the world of things,is it not the role of eyes?
I can only say that the eyes are sensory,to distinguish between a person's good or bad,but also to rely on our own hearts,is not it !...
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