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J,Do you really forget the date of today?So sadly.Do you remember the scene that we had met each other at the first time?The same place,I took my little sister here,however I found that my wallet was stolen and then we have no cash to back.That is a cold morning like today in the winter.and you You just go across the place where we stay.You felt my helpness,and gave me a hand.I feel so fun that day.You are really a good man that can be trust.From that day,I miss you every time.I guess I fall in love with you.During the following days,I always call you date with me by everyway.You have never say no to me.这是我自己翻的 各位指出其中的不足 或者是有更好的来替换我也一样给分谢谢
J,did you really forget our date today?I'm heartbroken.
Do you remember the first time we meet?We were here.I came to this park with my little sister,only to find my wallet was stolen when we got to the gate,leaving even no money to go home.It was also a winter morning,as cold as today.And then you came to my rescue.You sympathized with me and helped me.I was really happy to meet you.You are so good a guy,so reliable.From then on,I've been thinking about you,and I realised that I fell in love with you.In the days following,I came up every way to call you out,and you just did it without any complaint...
J,Do you really forget the date of today?So sad.Do you remember the day that we had met each other at the first time?The same place,I took my little sister here,however I found that my wallet was stolen and then we had no cash to back.That was a cold morning like today in the winter.and you You were just passing the place where we stayed.You felt my helplessness,and gave me a hand.I feel so happy that day.You are really a good man that can be trusted.From that day on,I missed you all the time.I guessed I fell in love with you.During the following days,I always called you to accompany me .You never said no to me.
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